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Moody? It Might be Your Thyroid

Published November 11, 2015

Moody? It Might be Your ThyroidYour thyroid, a small butterfly-shaped gland in your neck located just above the collarbone, has many responsibilities that help you maintain your quality of life. Millions of people suffer from thyroid disease and experience a variety of unpleasant symptoms. When the thyroid gland produces too much or too little thyroid hormone, your body and mind can suffer greatly.

The thyroid is well-known for regulating your metabolism. One of the common signs of a hypoactive thyroid is inexplicable weight gain or a lack of results with a regimented diet and exercise program. But the thyroid also has links to cognitive function, meaning thyroid dysfunction can affect your memory, concentration and mood. These symptoms are less obvious and commonly brushed aside as effects of stress or aging—up to 50 percent of thyroid disorders are undiagnosed.

However, your mood is a valuable barometer for hormone balance and, in particular, thyroid hormone balance. If your thyroid produces too little thyroid hormone, the levels of serotonin in your brain may be impacted. Serotonin is a chemical produced in the brain that helps regulate mood. Low levels have been linked to depression and anxiety.

Those who experience thyroid mood swings due to an underactive thyroid will notice:

Those who experience thyroid mood swings due to an overactive thyroid will notice:

Solutions to Thyroid Dysfunction

The most effective treatment to thyroid dysfunction begins with a full panel of thyroid testing that includes free T3, free T4, TSH and thyroid antibody levels. Advanced diagnostic testing is vital for an accurate and comprehensive diagnosis.

At Orlando Vitality, each physician specializes in hormones and hormone therapy, including thyroid dysfunction. All thyroid hormone levels are carefully assessed with the most precise lab testing that looks at a broad number of hormones and health markers. Following testing, you will meet with your physician to discuss your lab results as well as your symptoms, medical history and lifestyle to develop a custom treatment plan to ideally meet your needs.


Schedule your first consultation with expert medical team at Orlando Vitality. The physicians of Orlando Vitality are among the top physicians in Florida specially certified to help you achieve your health and wellness goals, including treating thyroid disorders. Get started on a customized treatment plan designed to fit your lifestyle and ensure you reach optimal wellness. Begin your journey now, contact Orlando Vitality.

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*Results not typical. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified healthcare provider before making any changes to your healthcare regimen. See our Full Disclaimer.
  • I've been a patient of Dr. Landa for the past 3 months. I came to see her because I have all the menopause symptoms that were really driving me nuts and my cholesterol was high, my blood pressure was high, I have the night sweats, I have the mood swings. And I have to tell you that after 3 months…Read More
  • I came to see Doctor Landa 3 months ago and she understood all the problems that I have been concerned with. I have been taking the bioidentical hormones for three months and my life has improved tremendously. I feel great and I highly recommend Dr. Landa. *Results not typical. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified healthcare provider…Read More
  • I came to see Dr. Jennifer Landa about 14 months ago. The bioidentical hormones have worked great for me! I have a lot more energy and feel younger than ever. I have several medications that I've stopped taking 8 months into the program. I used HCG to help with weight loss and altogether, I've lost 36 lbs. I feel great…Read More


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