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Leaky Gut: Can this be the cause of your health problems?

Published May 1, 2015

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Approximately 100 million people experience digestive problems of some kind, and many more suffer from related ailments while never knowing the true cause of their problem. Leaky gut syndrome is an often overlooked disorder because the symptoms are classically associated with other conditions and doctors may not specifically investigate for leaky gut as the root cause of their patients’ health concerns. Here is a look at this complex disorder and what you can do about it.

What is Leaky Gut?

Your digestive system has many jobs. One of these very important jobs starts with microscopic pores in the lining of your small intestine. These tiny pores prevent harmful toxins from entering into your bloodstream while also absorbing the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Your health and wellbeing depend on this system to work properly. Everything within you runs on the nutrients your digestive system absorbs in the small intestine. So what if your gut lets in the bad guys along with the good guys?

If you have leaky gut syndrome, the tiny pores in your intestinal wall have widened so that unwanted food particles and toxins pass through and literally leak into your bloodstream. Since the barrier aspect of your small intestine becomes more permeable than it should, your immune system struggles to distinguish between the substances that should and shouldn’t be there.

Your immune system flares up and starts attacking everything that passes through the lining so that your body doesn’t get the vitamins and minerals you need and the whole body suffers. Several diseases and clinical disorders result from this increased intestinal permeability. Skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and eczema have been linked to leaky gut syndrome. Hyperpermeability even plays a role in allergies that affect many individuals.

How does Leaky Gut happen?

Although doctors continue to discover why this syndrome occurs and how it affects the body, it is believed that leaky gut is self-inflicted. When you overexpose your body to anti-inflammatory drugs, alcohol, and processed sugars from soda and candies, you increase the opportunities for bad bacteria to damage your gut.

Food and medications are not the only things that can upset normal function of your digestive system. Your brain receives messages from the neurotransmitters in your gut, meaning even your stress levels can affect system function.

Symptoms and Solutions to Leaky Gut

Leaky gut weakens your immune system, leaving you at a high-risk for infection, but getting sick is just one possible symptom. You may experience fatigue, lapses in memory, bloating, diarrhea, and cramps – symptoms many people dismiss as effects of stress or a busy lifestyle.

You may need to invest time and willpower, but the steps to restoring your intestinal tract come without a prescription.

Steps to Healing a Leaky Gut:

  1. Consume foods high in “gut-friendly” nutrients such as zinc. Nuts, beans, and seafood are a few zinc-rich food choices.
  2. Eliminate processed foods.
  3. Limit your alcohol consumption.
  4. Take a probiotic to replenish the good bacteria in your gut and restore balance.
  5. Talk to your doctor. Leaky gut can lead to imbalances all over the body.

Do you think your symptoms of fatigue, insomnia or moodiness might be related to your gut? Contact Orlando Vitality in Maitland, Florida. Dr. Jen Landa and her team can put you on the path to a happy, healthy body inside and out. Get started today!

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